We have lots of things going on at home as well which you really don't want to hear about but it has meant I have less time to sit on the computer.
So what's new here!
Training has been going well with Merlin, he walks very well now, has a halter on but is not keen on putting his nose into it, you have to play catch my nose if you can for a while before he decides you can put in on. We have started to put a blanket on his back just to get him used to having something there. So now we try to introduce him to things he will come across when he is trekking such as cars. On our morning walk down the lane we stop and look at the cars on the main road, it is quite good as cars coming up the road can be seen coming but the ones coming down just appear suddenly from behind the hedge. Merlin seems to take this in his stride and is not that bothered about them, on the way back we walk back past our car, open and close the doors etc, he is not as keen on that little exercise.
Murphy is growing a pace, he is now 14 weeks old and he is huge, Jazz his mum is losing a bit of condition so is getting extra rations but I think we may need to wean him a bit earlier than usual. We had him in the handling pen today and had a good look at him, he is very strong, good straight limbs should be ideal for trekking, he has a lovely calm temperament as well. As you can see from his picture he is full of himself, defiantly thinks he's in charge

The girls have been moved onto some fresh grass which they much appreciated, the field they have now on has been rested since the hay was cut, so it is nice and long and lush. They certainly didn't want any concentrate anyway. The cria including Murphy found the whole thing really exciting, charging around like lunatics.
The Llamas on the other hand are onto the hay in a big way, they seem to have plenty of grass but they like their hay. They are having a restful time at the moment as we don't have any walks for a while.
We went to the SWAG vets day last week which was very informative and a good chance to catch up with the gossip, nice lunch as well.
Then I went to Cold harbour Mill last Saturday for their open day, I took our neighbour who is going to teach me to weave this winter. Audrey was a textile teacher before she retired so she was interested in what Jon Arbon is doing at Cold Harbour. We had a tour around the workings of the mill while Jon talked us through the process from fleece to yarn. I could resist buying some sock yarn in anticipation of the darker evenings.
So up todate now we had the girls scanned today and as expected Midnight scanned not pregnant as did her mother Ella. It is getting rather late to breed now so if we can't get them to the males this week we will leave them till next year. Everyone else scanned pregnant except Jazz the llama but then she scanned negative last year and we now have Murphy, so who knows!
Whilst Colin was here to scan the girls I got him to put the chips into this years youngsters so now just need to do the paperwork!
All for now will try not to be away for as long now.