It has been very spring like here on Dartmoor this last week, I found this Periwinkle in full flower on the garden bank along with Daffodils. The Azaleas and Clematis are starting to bud up as well.
The Shepherds Hut is progressing well, photos are in short supply as I have not been well again which means I have missed 3 out of 7 days of working on the hut. Being ill is really frustrating as all I wanted to do was get on with painting the window and door frames as well as helping Steve with some of the heavy stuff like the boarding, all I could do was stay in bed in a darkened room.

Anyway today I have felt much better and we have managed to put all the waterproof membrane on the hut, the roof sheets are placed on top ready for Steve to fix them tomorrow.
The site for the Hut has been dug out and landscaped. So as soon as the roof is fixed on we can move the Hut to its final resting place and complete it on site.
I would like to have the inside a bit like a Alpine Chalet which is a bit of a departure from the Shepherds theme, so we have left the pine boards unpainted on the ceiling and these will be waxed later. We have some rather snazzy LED lights to go in, so the wiring is in place for these. Just need to wire in for the electric sockets before we can put the internal insulation and cladding in.
I am having to leave Steve on his own tomorrow as I have promised the Grandsons I will watch there Hockey matches at the Regional Finals in Exeter.

Our two new Llamas have had a very relaxed winter so it is time to pick up their training before they join the older boys in the trekking team. Here is Mr Magee with a full pack on for the first time, little Leo is a bit further behind. We went for a short walk up the lane and Leo decided that the sheep which live in the field next door were just too scary to walk past, so a little more work required there.
On a Alpaca note I need to do the entries for Devon County Show and I can remember when the closing date is. I have delayed doing them as I wanted to have a good fleece rummage with the youngsters as they change so quickly. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow afternoon and get the entries done after that.
With all this dry weather all the Alpacas are looking lovely and fluffy and remarkably clean, even the cria which is unusual.
Here is Zanti who always likes her Photo being taken but she does insist on doing it on here terms which means I kept getting the shadow in the picture as well.