Saturday 28 November 2009

Cold & Wet again!!

Spent the day at Widecombe village market which is held in the ancient Church house owned by the National trust, consequently it has stone floors and no heating, thank goodness for Alpaca socks !. Customers were very few and far between and who can blame them, it was dull, cold & wet more importantly there was rugby on TV. The brave soles that did brave the weather did buy some socks and wool so not a total loss. I got talking to some people interested in keeping Alpacas so they may come back to see some animals once the weather improves, you never know what will come from just being there!.
I then dashed home to get a meal ready for guests which I stupidly arranged to come for dinner this evening. Not that I mind having people around but I like to have time to cook and try new things and I didn't have that today. The meal was a great success and all home grown including the pork which is really satisfying. Any way guests have just left, dishes in the dishwasher, wine to finished off and we are now going to watch the Rugby that we recorded earlier.

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